Thursday, October 8, 2009


I just finished browsing and reading on the Internet. I just came by from one of my favorite but least visited place on the Internet, . From the name alone, we all know that it will be all about Science and Technology. I've read the topics their from cars, to certain breakthroughs in technology and my favorite topic of all from Science is about our Universe, the World we live in.

I've scanned the recent photographs from Hubble telescope, and the images of the planet Mercury, the recent images of the new observatory out there at the Chilean mountains, and lots more.

More striking to me was the topic about meteorites and asteroids that's gonna hit our planet Earth. Thanks for those hunters out there that serves as our watchers for those celestial bodies (though we know some of those meteorites and asteroids hit our Earth's surface). These hunters are also there to watch out for those big ones. It's like watching those sci-fi movies, huh? But, it is true, it may happen.

So, if you wanna know more about it then, just check that page I'm browsing too. It's educational of course, and a humbling one too.


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